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Link-up Carnival 2018
Annual Cultural Fest of Sacred Heart Convent Jamshedpur


Sacred Heart Convent Jamshedpur, established in the year 1945, is one of those schools in the city which boasts a rich legacy. Link-up Carnival is a testament of the same. It being the third edition of the Annual Cultural Fest of the School, the Management expected us to come up with something huge, something splendid making it unforgettable for all involved. The School wanted to celebrate its illustrious history through this fest and communicated the same to us.

Logo & Identity

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When we sat with the client, we were briefed that this time around they were expecting a full-fledged campaign which would include an appealing logo, post for social media, colourful passes, flagpoles, stage décor, attractive invites to be sent to guests and dignitaries; individual identities, as ancient empires battling it out with each other, to all the 14 participating schools complete with an emblem each having a historical implication. Then there was the youtube video to be made highlighting all the teams in full regale and the ensuing legendary battle.


We had our hands full during this entire campaign as it was one of the largest ones which we took at that time. We studied the ancient empires and the history behind them and then zeroed upon 14 of them as we had to showcase that many. The colours violet, gold and red took centerstage in the logo along with other complementary colours like yellow, orange, sky blue. Image of a carnival tent, complete with a flag, serenaded by stars. The words, “Link-up Carnival” were surrounded by glittering lights well contrasted in gold and orange hues. To create differentiation, the audience and participants passes had different backgrounds, in violet and light maroon respectively, although other things remained similar.


The 14 schools were each assigned the name of an empire, namely, British, Italian, French, Egyptian, Greek, Japanese, Mongolian, Portoguese, Roman, Persian, Spanish, Turkish and Mexican. Coming to the video, all the above traits were highlighted amply along with a catchy background music having war as the theme. The transition effect was profound thus marking the identity of each participating school. Violet and gold colours were used extensively along with cinders thus signifying a fierce background for the grand battle ahead.
